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This document type is built on the html_document_plain(), but is configured to render the example documents created by the repl(). You may choose to render the solution or the example's initial state by setting the output option version.


html_document_js4shiny(version = c("solution", "initial"), ...)



Which version of the example to render. One of "solution" (default) or "initial".


Additional arguments passed to html_document_plain()


if (rmarkdown::pandoc_available("1.12.3")) {
  css_ex <- system.file(
    "examples", "css", "css-basics", "css-basics-appearance.Rmd",
    package = "js4shiny"

  tmp_html_init <- tempfile("initial", fileext = ".html")
  tmp_html_sol <- tempfile("solution", fileext = ".html")

  tmp_html_init <- rmarkdown::render(
    input = css_ex,
    output_file = tmp_html_init,
    output_options = list(version = "initial"),
    quiet = TRUE

  tmp_html_sol <- rmarkdown::render(
    input = css_ex,
    output_file = tmp_html_sol,
    output_options = list(version = "solution"),
    quiet = TRUE

# View tmp_html_init/sol
# browseURL(tmp_html_init)
# browseURL(tmp_html_sol)